
6 Ways to Have the Perfect Day at Work

Reading Time: 4 minutes


Sometimes, it’s difficult to find the motivation you need for a positive day at work.

This is particularly true at the beginning of a new year when your resolutions have already gone awry, and you’re struggling to deal with the hot weather and the demands of being back on the job.

The good news is that even if you’re feeling a little uninspired by your career right now, you don’t have to stay that way. Sometimes, all it takes is some personal discipline and a few new habits to transform your attitude and make the most of the rest of your year.

Here, we’re going to look at some of the ways you can improve your chances of a great day at work – every day.

1. Embrace a Morning Routine

Routines are a valuable way to make sure that you stay focused on your plan for development.

The era of binge-watching shows on Netflix and chatting on social media means that more people are staying up late on a work night and not getting the rest they need. This generally means that you’re more likely to wake up feeling exhausted and overwhelmed.

Fortunately, successful entrepreneurs know the secret to fixing your morning. Creator of Twitter, Jack Dorsey swears by his morning routine. Your process can be as elaborate or simple as you like, but most contain the following things:

  • Wake up at the same time each day (regardless of whether you’re going to work)
  • Find something to look forward to in each day, i.e., talking to your colleagues, working on a challenging account, or collaborating on a job.
  • Eat a healthy breakfast that will fuel you for the day to come.

2. Set Intentions for Each Day

Are you just going to work each day to pay the bills, or is there a deeper reason?

Think about what you love about your current role, the finance industry and the people you work with. Do you have a plan for one day earning a promotion or taking on new responsibilities? If so, you need to be working towards that goal each day. With that in mind, start each day by:

  • Asking yourself what you need to do each day to improve your chances of reaching your targets. For instance, can you network with peers, or simply work on becoming more efficient with your filing practices?
  • Thinking about how you can tie your goals with the demands of your role. Does connecting with clients over the phone give you a chance to improve your communication skills so that you can become a better manager in the future?
  • Track your progress and look for bigger opportunities: As you continue with your standard routine, make sure you’re looking for ways to put your skills to the test. Can you take on a more challenging account? Volunteer to work on a new project? Maybe you can take part in a mentoring programme?

3. Tackle One Task at a Time

It’s easy to forget this when you feel rushed off your feet, but multi-tasking makes you less (not more) productive. When you’re continually juggling different tasks, your error rates increase, and your output suffers. That means that it’s best to handle one job at a time.

To make sure that you’re focusing on the right challenges first, start by creating a list of your to-dos for each day. Once you have your list, ask yourself which jobs are the most important, and which can wait until later in the day.

Focusing on the most crucial tasks first means that you don’t have to panic as much when your focus begins to wane halfway through the day.

4. Show a Positive Attitude

Walking around your office with a face like thunder isn’t a great way to impress your peers. A few years ago, the Botox industry discovered that the procedure made people happier because it stopped them from frowning. The truth is that the attitude you show to the people around you often affects how you feel on the inside.

Using your body language to your advantage not only makes you feel better, but it also improves your chances of making positive connections with your colleagues. Remember to:

  • Wear a smile as often as you can
  • Stand tall with your shoulders back to display confidence
  • Manage your posture when you’re sitting (this will reduce back pain too!)

5. Practice Gratitude

Often, the thing that’s most responsible for how you feel at work on any day is your mindset. When you deliberately take notice of the good stuff in your workday, your brain starts to get into the habit of looking for positive things. For instance, maybe you feel great about the recent report you filed, or the money you helped your client save.

At the beginning of each day, make an effort to notice three good things. Maybe someone held the door open for you, or you enjoyed your first cup of coffee. Then, at the end of the day, notice another three things that link back to your professional accomplishments.

6. Separate Your Work and Personal Life

Finally, as technology discovers new ways to keep employees connected continuously to the office, it can be difficult to find and maintain a good work/life balance. You might find yourself checking emails or planning your next meeting when you’re sat at home.

However, it’s vital to have some time away from your professional life so that you can appreciate it more each day. Taking your work home with you can increase feelings of resentment and disdain towards your employer.

Turn notifications off for work-based emails and chats on your smartphone. You can address the issues at your office when you arrive the next day.

About JobFitts

JobFitts Consultants are a specialist provider of professional Recruitment Services for the Financial Services sector and related suppliers in Australia. Since 2003 we have recruited and placed a breadth of operational roles at all levels from; HR, Accounting, Marketing and Customer Service/Frontline.

To find out more visit our website at JobFitts here or call us on (02) 9220 3595 or email here.

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