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Employing Temporary Workers – What You Need to Know

Reading Time: 3 minutes

The world of work is changing rapidly – nearly a quarter of Australian employers report using temporary or contract staff regularly, with a further 44% utilising them for special projects or workloads. 

The idea of the standard working week is shifting from what it was in the past few decades, as the digital revolution has made remote jobs more accessible, and the need for a different type of workforce has emerged with our 24/7 culture.  

Freelancing has increased across all sectors, and the number of casual workers in Australia has risen from 20.8% around four years ago to 22.6%. 

In the past, temporary work was viewed as something of a ‘stop-gap’ for those between jobs, but this is not the case anymore. Highly skilled professionals such as accountants, graphic designers and marketers are increasingly choosing ‘gig’ work over a regular career option for the benefits of freedom, the ability to travel and to fit around their busy family lives. 

As a recruiter, I have seen first-hand the immense benefits that temporary workers can bring to an organisation – don’t overlook these crucial points when considering temporary employees. 


Fast and Flexible 

The two primary situations when I would suggest considering contract workers is to take care of a temporary staffing issue such as maternity or a sudden staff shortage or to help with the extra workload of a big project.  

One of the main benefits of hiring temporary workers is the speed at which a recruiter will be able to fill your vacancy. Temporary workers are familiar with being placed quickly in roles, as opposed to often weeks and sometimes months that it takes to find a permanent candidate for your position. 


It Isn’t More Hassle 

Sometimes, an employer will be reluctant to go down the temporary route believing that plugging their gap with a temporary employee is more work for their business when in reality, a temporary worker is a perfect solution to their current staffing issue. 

A big part of employers’ reluctance to hire temporary workers is the perceived confusion around temporary contracts. Many employers believe that hiring a temp worker carries the risk of being slower, more complicated and more expensive than waiting it out for the perfect long-term employee; in reality, the opposite is true. 

Aexceptional  recruiter can find temporary skilled employees for your organisation in a way that is faster, less expensive and easier than struggling along waiting for the ‘right’ candidate or worse – permanently hiring an employee who is wrong for your company. This in itself can be a huge problem – the cost of a wrong hire is estimated to be between $7,000-$10,000 and even higher for executive positions.  


A Unique Set of Skills 

The nature of temporary work means that these employees have a unique set of skills that those who have been in the same company (or role) for years do not possess.  

Freelance or contract workers are generally more adaptable, quicker at picking up new skills and can integrate with ease at a much higher level than ‘traditional’ employees.  

Staff shortages can put extra pressure on an already stretched workforce, and this can lead to severe problems such as low staff morale, decreased productivity and even physical and mental health problems. Temporary workers can bring a new outlook to stressed personnel and will boost morale as the workload is shared. Your employees will be grateful that you are pro-active throughout your temporary staffing issues. 


Interim Directors  

There has been an increase in demand for temporary/interim executives as companies struggle in the current skill-short candidate market to find the right people to fill executive positions.  

Interim directors are often referred to as ‘consultants’ as they are called upon to help a business through a tricky situation or a time of significant change, but there is a difference between consultants and true temporary directors. A true temporary director will not only identify the issues in the organisation that need solving, but they will also roll their sleeves up and get to work themselves. 

Temporary directors are invaluable to businesses who need a specialist in their sector with substantial experience who is able to steer the business through a time when strong leadership is needed.  


How a Recruiter Can Help 

Recruitment companies have done historically well in the temporary work sector, as we are skilled at putting the right people in the right jobs, quickly. 

Working with a recruitment company like JobFitts will ensure that not only is your business provided with the right temporary candidates, that we can cover the vast majority of administration and HR responsibilities – freeing up your valuable time. 

To find out how JobFitts can help your organisation to grow with temporary workers, get in contact with us today. 


Amrutha Murali 

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