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3 Valuable Lessons I Learnt During My Vacation

Reading Time: 6 minutes

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By Amrutha L Murali

Managing Director

JobFitts Consultants

Over the past eighteen months, my family has celebrated several milestones. The most significant milestone for me is that JobFitts Consultants is turning twenty in July. The journey from 2003 to 2023 has been exciting and fulfilling, although not without challenges. We’ve had our fair share of excitement, to say the least.

2023 was supposed to be a special year filled with new experiences for my family. My daughter was about to embark on her first adventure, leaving the safety of Australia for a six-month academic exchange program on the other side of the world. While I encouraged her to explore, I couldn’t bear to be apart from her for so long. So, I decided to visit her during Easter break and travel with her around Europe. Before I knew it, we had a five-week vacation planned!

A vacation! It had been two decades since I had taken one. My travels were usually for business, apart from one trip to say goodbye to my 95-year-old grandmother.

Initially, I felt like doing “nothing” for five weeks would be a waste of time. I started reaching out to business associates in the countries we were visiting, hoping to set up meetings. However, a dear friend of mine stopped me and suggested that it was time for me to just hang out with my daughter and chill. And chill I did, in the cold temperatures of Northern UK and Europe!

During the long flight back to Australia, I took some time to reflect on my five-and-a-half-week vacation. Together, my daughter and I created countless cherished memories, learnt a great deal of history, and experienced the best of diversity through languages, traditions, and cuisines.

Among the many highlights and learning experiences, three stood out to me. I thought I would share them with you.

Here are the three valuable lessons I learnt during my vacation:

1. Simplifying Life for Clarity: A Journey of Prioritisation

As an entrepreneur and single parent, my life is a constant juggle. It’s often described as a circus, with countless acts and unexpected surprises. I’ve always been busy, always had something to do. For twenty years, I prided myself on being a master multitasker, always productive and always meeting deadlines.

Or so I thought.

During my travels, I discovered the power of focusing on one thing at a time. Whether it was exploring a landmark or immersing myself in a new experience, I found that by doing just one activity at a time, I could truly enjoy and appreciate the moment. Not only did I get everything I planned for the day done, but I also felt surprisingly calm and stress-free.

Five weeks of prioritising and sticking to a detailed plan taught me a valuable lesson: multitasking is overrated. By making a list, setting clear priorities, and working through tasks one at a time, I found a new sense of clarity and peace of mind. I realised that I don’t need to complicate my life by taking on too much. Instead, I can focus on what truly matters and move forward with confidence.

So, let go of the chaos and embrace a simplified approach to life. Prioritise, plan, and tackle one task at a time. You’ll be amazed at the clarity and fulfilment it brings.

2. CEX is King

I’ve always been fascinated by how different organisations treat their customers, and how that reflects on the employee experience and overall culture. Recently, I had the pleasure of meeting two exceptional tour guides in London and Vienna. What set them apart was their genuine dedication to providing the best experience for their customers. They were knowledgeable, prepared, excellent problem solvers, and went above and beyond. It seems like such a simple concept, but unfortunately, not many organisations get it right.

On the flip side, I encountered two tour guides who were the complete opposite. One of them was insensitive, rude, and didn’t give his customers a chance to engage. By the end of the experience, everyone was eager to escape his presence. It’s disheartening when someone wastes the precious time their customers have given them. If only the company had asked for feedback. Not asking for feedback, gave me the impression the company did not have a development mindset.

I also had an experience in Amsterdam where I had to listen to a scripted tour all day. There was no enthusiasm, or product knowledge from the guide. It felt like he was just going through the motions, without any passion for his job. They clearly compromise on their quality of hires. Needless to say, the customer experience was mediocre. It’s clear that the tour company doesn’t prioritise customer satisfaction and has a transactional culture, customers were merely numbers for them.

I couldn’t help but think, both companies could improve their CX by investing in their EX. Right form the talent they hired to the training and development, could well be a game changer for them.

Overall, these experiences have reinforced for me the importance of a positive Employee Experience to provide a great Customer Experience. It’s essential for organisations to foster a culture where employees are enthusiastic, knowledgeable, are passionate about their work and truly care about the customers they serve.

Exploring different cultures and interacting with people from different countries, made me realise the importance of Customer and Employee Experience (CEX) in any business, is a game changer. Seeing how businesses catered to the needs and preferences of their diverse customers was a valuable lesson that I will carry with me in my own work.

3. Old Meets New: Rich heritage and cutting-edge technology blend to create magic.

My trip had an unforgettable highlight: the Johnnie Walker experience! Picture this – an unplanned adventure in the heart of Edinburgh. At first glance, it seems like just another tourist merch store. But with a bit of research, we discovered the JOHNNIE WALKER JOURNEY OF FLAVOUR – an experience worth raving about!

Now, I was accompanied by a twenty-one-year-old who knew nothing about Scotch or Jonnie Walker. And let me tell you, it didn’t matter if you’re a Scotch enthusiast or not, this is an experience you don’t want to miss!

After an enthralling 1.5 hours, my young companion was already searching for career opportunities at Johnnie Walker. Yes, you read that right – she was ready to join the team! That’s the magic of this company – staying relevant, embracing technology and connecting with Gen Z through clever strategies and tech.

Oh, and let’s not forget about the coolest photos you can capture for your Insta feed! The energy, the enriched knowledge about their products, the fun factor – the Johnnie Walker experience takes care of every detail to ensure you leave with a smile on your face and multiple bags from their shop, filled with high quality goodies!

Believe me, you need to experience this journey yourself. It’s a testament to how Johnnie Walker knows how to engage with different generations, build brand awareness and create a storytelling experience that truly resonates.

Through this experience, I witnessed the fascinating intersection of old traditions and cutting-edge technology. It reaffirmed the importance of embracing digital transformation while still honouring and preserving the rich history. This experience reminded me how story telling is still the most powerful way of marketing your brand, across generations!

In summary, my vacation was not only a time of relaxation and adventure but also a profound learning experience. These three lessons have had a significant impact on me, both personally and professionally. I hope they resonate with you as well and inspire you to embrace new opportunities for growth and exploration.

During my time off, I gained a newfound clarity that comes from stepping away from work and immersing myself in new experiences. It allowed me to gain a fresh perspective and reflect on my personal and professional achievements and goals. Sometimes, taking a break can be the best way to find clarity and set a clear path forward.

I encourage you to create your own moments of magical exploration that support personal growth and help guide you on the path towards achieving your goals. If this feels like it’s too far away right now, remember that changes can start small. Before you know it, you could be traveling further than you ever knew was possible in pursuit of the future you want, whether it’s a special job or even an entirely new career! So, take a leap of faith and trust that something amazing awaits you out there— enjoy the journey!

Talk to us, with over twenty years’ experience we have a strong network of employers and jobseekers. Get in touch with us info@jobfitts.com.au

Amrutha Murali Jobfitts

Amrutha Murali

Managing Director

JobFitts Consultants

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Amrutha is passionate about connecting employers up with people and helping people realise their career dreams by landing their dream job. Holding a Master of Industrial Relations and Human Resources Management from the University of Sydney, Amrutha has 25 years’ industry experience.

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