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6 Tips to Help You Find a Job You Love in 2017

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Do you feel as though you are stuck in the wrong job? There’s nothing more demoralising, especially when you have worked really hard to get where you are.

But you don’t have to be a Millennial to feel trapped in your role. It’s a common experience, and breaking free requires some strategic thinking.

Here are our top tips for finding a job you really do love.

1. Be self-critical

First off, you need to work out why you are feeling unhappy.

You need to know exactly where your job dissatisfaction comes from, and there are several possibilities.

  • Aspects of your personal life are interfering with your job.
  • Work stress is getting you down.
  • The job position is the wrong fit for you.
  • The company itself has the wrong culture.
  • The job simply doesn’t motivate you.

If personal problems are drifting into the workplace, you won’t be able to get the most out of this or any other job.

And if you’re stressed out by long hours, heavy workload and unappreciative bosses, it’s probably time to look for a more rewarding position.

2. Ask the right questions

Don’t be afraid to try something new. If your current position isn’t working out for you, there are numerous other roles, companies and industries which could fit the bill.

Putting aside financial considerations, ask yourself some very important questions.

  • What do I really want out of life?
  • What am I best at?
  • What excites me the most?
  • What motivates me and fires my curiosity?
  • What have I always wanted to do?
  • In what environment do I do my best work?

The answers will guide you in your job search, moving you towards a more rewarding long-term career.

3. Overlook the money

It’s tempting to take a well-paid job for a short time – to get established in an industry or pay off some debt.

If you make money your primary consideration, however, you will greatly limit the range of jobs open to you and increase the likelihood of getting stuck in a less meaningful role.

Be open to positions which challenge you, and offer exciting opportunities, and maybe even take an unexpected path.

It’s often a case of nothing ventured, nothing gained when it comes to finding a job with passion and purpose. If you really hit your stride, monetary reward is likely to follow.

4. Build a network

If you’re unsure about which path to follow, start by researching a range of options and putting out feelers via social media.

Follow companies, individuals and organisations of interest to you, building up a picture of what they do, who they employ and what makes them tick.

Don’t be afraid to ask suitable questions and get yourself on the radar of potential recruiters.

This will help you get a foothold in a totally new industry or field.

5. Create a profile

Once you settle on a job or industry of interest, give yourself the best chance of making it happen. Build your personal brand through a thoughtful social media profile.

This can include an informative LinkedIn profile, or a balanced Twitter presence focusing on career-related issues.

6. Consider company culture

No matter how much you want to enter a particular industry, it’s not likely to work if the organisation you choose is a bad cultural fit.

If you have a strong social conscience, for instance, you may not thrive in a hard-nosed, competitive workplace where ‘win at all cost’ is the company motto.

Unless your personal ethics are matched with the ethics of the company you work for, you are unlikely to find a job you truly love.

If you’d like some assistance in searching for a job with passion and purpose, a specialist recruitment company skilled in finding future leaders then  Job Fitts can help.

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